Sunday, April 4, 2010


I just ran for a second time today! Yes, that is correct - two workouts in one day. Has the whole world gone crazy? Did I ingest crazy pills along with my marshmellow peeps this morning? Who knows! But the idea of running around Lake Calhoun with my friend, Jihone, and enjoying the last few minutes of sunshine in the day made me realize I. Had. Not. Had. Enough.

This means I ran about 6 miles today. I'm not sure if I could have done it consecutively, but I am going to start pushing myself for more speed now that I know I have built up more endurance.


  1. Congratulations on running six miles. You are amazing keep up the great work.

  2. I ran for the bus the last two mornings, all the way from my front door, because I was so late. I didn't even need to catch my breath. I love how I go running regularly and then one day, surprise! - I have mad endurance.
