Sunday, April 4, 2010

Benefits to Running at the Lake: No Shortcuts

I plotted a three mile course around my neighborhood this morning, and set off with full intentions on completing the course. Flash forward 25 minutes later, and I really just want to take a shower and eat some Easter breakfast. If I were running around the lake, I would HAVE to finish the loop, or else start swimming (hmm have I just found a new brick exercise strategy?)

Ok ok, fine, I admit, once - just once! - in February, I was running and just felt like going home, so I walked across the frozen Lake of the Isles and went home early....

So today, I cut four blocks off what I was originally supposed to run. Yeah, ok, whatever, keep your disappointment to yourself. I'm still proud of myself for getting out there and running as soon as I woke up this morning. Exercising before breakfast, or even before noon, is something the old me would never have done. Things are on the up and up.

Plus, I get my new ipod shuffle in the mail tomorrow! I ordered the pink one (obvi), and I'm loading it up with tons of Gaga, Britney, and Cher. I have been running with my old ipod, and it just hasn't been working out for either of us. When I say old, I mean ancient in Applespeak. It's six years old *gasp!dinosaur technology* and it's so fat that it won't even fit in those new-age arm bands they make for the kids. So for the sanctity of our six year relationship, old ipod will be reserved for buses and planes, while new ipod will become my electronic running partner.

Now that the weather has officially turned the corner for spring, I will be riding my bike more often and prepping for the 12k ride. Can't wait to wear my superdork Microsoft bike jersey I bought in Seattle!

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