Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Good and the Bad of Today's Ride

Best part about long bicycle rides: bike jerseys! I love wearing bike jerseys for longer, purely for exercise, rides. My favorite things about bike jerseys are the pockets built in the back and the elastic that keeps your shirt from riding up. The jersey I wore today is from bonktown.com and it's made by Giordana in case you can't tell from the picture. It has mesh sleeves, which I love for keeping cool, and soft fabric. The designers were also smart enough not to include an itchy tag, so all around its a great jersey! Bonktown.com is my favorite place to buy discounted cycling gear, although I guess I have only used it to buy this jersey and my tri-shorts... but I feel like I am on the site all the time scoping out deals!

I decided to switch it up today and go on a bike ride when I got home. I rode around Lake Harriet first and had planned to ride the loop around the lakes (Lake Harriet, Lake Calhoun and Lake of the Isles), but by the time I got to Lake Calhoun, I was so into the ride that I missed the turnoff to Lake of the Isles. oops. So I just finished Lake Calhoun, then went back to Harriet and rode around there again. The weather was nice with the exception of some strong winds.

HOWEVER, something is going on with Golden Eagle Jr. There were some awkward sounds coming from my chain, and when I switched gears there was unnecessary clanking. Unfortunately, I no longer live in DC and can't take my bike to Revolution Cycles <--- the best bike shop ever. So now I need to find a new place to go, or bike-knowledge friend to give me a diagnosis. I probably just need some oil, grease, etc. but I'm pretty ignorant in that department so I'd rather leave it up to the experts. I just found out that I got a job for the summer, so my former stance on not buying a new bicycle for the triathlon has already begun to waiver. eek!

Looking forward to a run with some friends tomorrow, but the forecast is calling for thunderstorms. We'll see what happens!

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