Monday, May 24, 2010

First Transition Workout

So for any of you who don't live in Minneapolis, it was about 90 degrees outside and HUMID. Not exactly the best weather for exercising, but riding a bicycle outdoors is so much different ie, better, than riding a trainer inside, that I waited for the sun to begin to set and headed out on my bike around 7:30.

I keep meaning to stick my camera in the back pocket of my jersey to take some pictures along my ride, and I really wish I would have remembered today! There were a ton of sailboats on Lake Calhoun and cute ducks waddling around everywhere. Plus I saw a family of Canadian geese, little fuzzy yellow babies and all. And some straight-up-off-the-chain-people-watching. Old guy riding his bike without a shirt, stop it. Your nipples are scaring everyone. So, if you can, just imagine that scene, and I promise I'll start remembering to bring my camera on future rides!

Bicycling felt great. I did my usual 45 minute ride around the Chain of the Lakes and then headed home. I stashed my bicycle in my apartment, exchanged my helmet for a headband and was out the door again for a 10 minute run! Running so fun. By this point I had literally sweated through my tank top and was feeling the heat. But I ran for 10 minutes and completed the workout. From what I understand, the running portion was meant to be focused more on becoming comfortable transitioning activities, as opposed to experiencing a great running workout. I have really enjoyed the various workouts in this week's plan, and I'm looking forward to turning up the intensity dial next week.

And, if any of you were wondering, I succumbed to the evil Comcast giant and signed up for internet at my apartment. Downside: no longer sticking it to the man. Upside: regular blog posts!

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